
From the popular Sakamoto Days anime series comes the Taro Sakamoto Noodle Stopper figure by FuRyu! This figure is around 6 inches tall and displays the character in their memorable work attire while in a sitting pose. Be sure to add this figure to your collection!
The Noodle Stopper, an original product line developed by FuRyu to be both perfect for displaying as well as having functionality as figure, includes popular and well-known characters across media that can weigh down the lid on an instant cup of noodles, hence the series name.
Product Features
•    5.91 inches tall (15cm)
•    Made of ABS and PVC
•    Based on the Sakamoto Days anime
•    Part of the Noodle Stopper Figure series
•    Non-articulated


Series: Sakamoto Days
Character: Taro Sakamoto
Product Type: Fixed Pose / Completed Model
Material: ABS and PVC
Size: 15 cm = 5.9” tall