
Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manda/anime series that follows the story of high school student Yuji Itadori, as he joins a secret organisation of Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to kill a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.

This Pop! features Yuji Itadori, the son of Jin Itadori and grandson of Wasuke Itadori, who was living a normal life until he encountered Megumi and ate one of Sukuna's fingers. After becoming Sukuna's vessel, Yuji began attending Tokyo Jujutsu High alongside Megumi and Nobara as first-year students. He comes lounging down watching television with his beloved Tsukamoto.


Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Character: Yuji Itadori
Product Type: POP! Vinyl
Material: Vinyl