
Shisui Uchiha, also known as Shisui of the Body Flicker, was an Anbu for the Hidden Leaf Village in the anime series, Naruto. After witnessing his friend die on a mission, Shisui traumatically awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan around the age of 13. After losing his right eye by Danzou Shimura during the Uchiha Clan Downfall, Shisui entrusts his left eye to Itachi in hopes that he will use it to save Konoha.
Product Features
•    5.12 inches (13cm)
•    Made of plastic
•    From the Naruto: Shippuden anime series
•    Part of the Narutop99 line
•    Highly detailed
•    Non-articulated


Series: Naruto
Character: Sasuke Uchiha
Product Type: Fixed Pose / Completed Model
Material: PVC
Size: 13 cm = 5.1" tall