
From the Puella Magi Madoka Magic: The Movie Rebelleion anime film, Banpresto presents a figure of Kyoko Sakura as a new addition to their Serenus Couture series! Incredibly detailed, this figure stays true to the likeness of the character and is approximately 3.9 inches tall.
Kyoko Sakura is one of the main characters in the anime movie, Puella Magi Madoka Magica THE MOVIE -Rebellion-. She is stubborn and has a fiery personality. She can be self-centered when she wants to be, though this is just a facade she made to herself and to others, since she’s really sympathetic and tender.
Product Features
•    3.9 inches tall (10cm)
•    Made of plastic
•    Based on the Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie Rebellion film
•    Part of the Serenus Couture series
•    Highly detailed
•    Non-articulated


Series: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character: Kyoko Sakura
Product Type: Fixed Pose / Completed Model
Material: PVC
Size: 10 cm = 3.9" tall