
Based on the Tokyo Revengers anime and manga, Manjiro Sano (better known as Mikey) is featured as a new another Noodle Stopper figure to add to your collection, in his Chinese clothes version. Typically standing around 5 inches tall, Noodle Stopper figures were designed to hold down the lid to your cup of ramen to help the noodles cook, giving some functionality to this detailed figure!
Product Features
•    Approx. 5.9 inches tall (15cm)
•    Made of ATBC-PVC
•    Based on Tokyo Revengers
•    Part of the Noodle Stopper series
•    Non-articulated



Series: Tokyo Revengers
Character: Mikey / Manjiro Sano
Product Type: Fixed Pose / Completed Model
Material: PVC
Size: 15 cm = 5.9" tall