
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the “Metal Fight Beyblade” anime, five types of Beyblade have appeared as Beyblade burst versions!
Appeared in a special specification of Storm Pegassis, Lightning El Drago, Flame Sagittario, Earth Aquila, and Rock Leone that reproduced the colors of the time!
In addition, two types of launchers that reproduce the colors of the time are also included!
Inside the commemorative box is a new illustration drawn by Takafumi Adachi!

"B-00 Metal Fight Beyblade Animation 10th Anniversary Set" is a set of 5 popular Beyblades and 2 launchers of "Metal Fight Beyblade" remade to the "Bayblade Burst" specification.


Series: Beyblade
Product Type: Toys
Age: 8+