
Dragon, Dragon, Rock the Dragon Dragonball Z is one of the most critically-acclaimed anime series of all time, amassing an enormous fan base across the world. The show follows the adventures of Goku who, along with his companions, defends the Earth against an assortment of villains ranging from intergalactic space fighters and conquerors, unnaturally powerful androids and nearly indestructible creatures. It picks up five years after the end of the original Dragon Ball series. Gohan and Piccolo trained hard to be strong enough to fight the oncoming threat of Vegeta, the Saiyan prince and Nappa. Now you can have these two of the earth's greatest fighters in Pop! Vinyl form! Includes: • 1x Gohan Pop! Vinyl figure • 1x Piccolo Pop! Vinyl figure


Series: Dragon Ball Z
Character: Gohan
Material: vinyl
Size: 9.5 cm = 3.75" tall