
During the early 1980s in the town of Hawkins, Indiana, a 12-year-old boy vanished mysteriously causing his mother and friends to investigate, getting themselves in much deeper then they had thought when they begin to uncover a government conspiracy, meeting a psychokinetic girl who knew of the whereabouts of their missing friend.

Now the acclaimed Netflix series Stranger Things returns for a second season this October, and to celebrate, Funko have announced a wave of Stranger Things Mystery Minis!

All of your favourites are here; Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Eleven, Eleven with Wig, Demogorgon, Demogorgon (closed mouth), Joyce, Jonathan, Hopper, Barb and Nancy. 

Each Display contains 12 Blind boxes, with each Blind box containing ONE randomly inserted Stranger Things Mystery Mini figure.

This box may contain the 3 Exclusives of Upside Down Barb, Steve with Barbed-Wire or Eleven with Electrodes.


Series: Stranger Things
Character: stranger
Product Type: Trading Figure (Gashapon)